Banner Area


Site Header

Site Navigation

Banner Section

Main Content

Page Background – Set the background of the main content area.

Page Text Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of body text.

Page Link Color – Set the color of body links.

Page Meta Color – Set the color of meta text (blog authors, post dates, etc.)

Control the typeface, font properties, and colors of the Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3.

Quote Font + Color – Set the typeface, fonts properties, and color of Quote Blocks.


Hide Page Sidebar – Don't display the left-hand folder navigation on pages in a folder.

Hide Products Sidebar – Don't display the left-hand category navigation in product list view.

Hide Sidebar Title – Don't display title in the sidebar.

Sub Nav Title Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of the titles in Page Folder Nav and Products Category Nav.

Sub Nav Link Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of the links in subnavs.


Footer Background – Set the background color of the footer area at the very bottom of the page.

Footer Text Color – Set the color of the text in the footer.

Footer Nav Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of the footer navigation links.

Footer Nav Link (Active) – Set the color of the footer navigation links on hover.

Center Navigation / Info – Choose between left- and center-aligned footer navigation and site info.

Hide Site Info – Hide the site info in the footer.


Meta Priority – Select whether date or category of a post appear above its title in blog list view.

Hide Entry Author – Don't display the byline of a blog post. Useful for blogs with a single author.

Hide List Entry Footer – Don't display the footer (Comment + Like + Share) in blog list view.

Gallery Styles

Gallery Navigation – Determines the type of gallery image navigation is provided on the page.

Gallery Info Overlay – Select the type of display used for image title and caption.

Gallery Aspect Ratio – Controls the aspect ratio (width:height) for the gallery active slide.

Gallery Arrow Style – Determines the style of the arrows used to cycle through the slides.

Gallery Transitions – select the transition styles used to animate between slides being viewed.

Gallery Show Arrows – choose to use arrows for cycling through slides.

Gallery Auto Crop – choose to auto crop slide images to the selected ratio.

Gallery Autoplay – choose to cycle gallery images automatically without user interaction.

Gallery Loop – Enable a gallery to cycle through to the first slide after the last slide.

Gallery Autoplay Speed –Specify the speed at which the gallery pauses on the active slide.

Gallery Thumbnail Size – Control the height of thumbnail images when used for gallery navigation.

Gallery Arrow Background – Specify the color that is used for the shape of gallery arrows.

Gallery Arrow Color – Specify the color that is used for the arrow itself.

Gallery Circle Color – Specify the color that is used for the circle shape gallery arrows.

Gallery Info Background – Specify the color used in the background of the image title and caption. 

Event Styles

Event Time Format – Toggle between 24 hour or AM/PM for event times.

Event Icons – Enable icons on the address and event time display.

Event Thumbnails – Show an image thumbnail in list view.

Event Thumbnail Size – Control the size (ratio width:height) of the event thumbnail image.

Event Date Label – Enable date overlay on top of event thumbnail.

Event Date Label Time – Include the time of the event with the date overlay.

Event Excerpts – Show optional excerpt text of events on the list view when present.

Event List Date – Show the full event date (day, month, year) of the event on the list view.

Event List Time – Show the time range (start time-end time) of the event on the list view.

Event List Address – Show the event location address when present.

Event iCal/gCal Links – Show links to add events to Apple or Google calendars.

Event Like and Share Buttons – Show Squarespace simple like and share buttons on events.

Event List Compact View – Enable a simple stacked view of events in the list view.

Event Calendar Compact View – Enable a simpler calendar view optimized for smaller areas